Monday, September 10, 2007

Count Your Many Blessings. Name Them One By One.

So, hi. Long time no talk. Amanda has been desperately prodding me to start blogging again, so here I am. Well, I started teaching 2 weeks ago, and it has been crazy. I'll write more about all of that later (when I am not super tired because I just graded 5644 papers)! But, I did want to acknowledge a blessing I got today. My portable has been surrounded by dirt for the first two weeks of school.......mud when it rains. It is a total disaster. Today, I was near death while driving to work because it was raining. I was just bracing myself for the distressed outcries from my students and the mud-caked shoes on everyone! Then, as I am dragging myself down the hall, I turn the corner and see..................

So, this Monday, I find myself counting a small but Meredith-significant blessing.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I just about fell out of my chair! I LOVE that you posted!! haha... I'm telling you, people will learn a lot about South Dallas from you!! LOVE YOU! and WHOO HOO for sidewalks!